A Story of 100 Failures

Committing to Practice

I’m committed to becoming better at creating video content & for the remainder of the year I’m going to create 100 videos so I can learn as much as I can about video creation.

3 Things I’d Like to Improve

On Camera Presence

  • Standing in an empty room talking to a camera is weird. I want to change my video style. Instead of talking to a camera I want to narrate my videos. This will make my videos easier to edit and allow me to shoot more than one video a day.

Story Telling

  • I want to get better at telling stories through video. I want to take viewers through my experience instead of just talking to them on screen.

Video Execution 

  • Taking the ideas out of my head an on the video editor in a way that tells an effective story which makes you more financially literate and helps your self development journey is my goal for every video. I want to get better at executing my vision.

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Practice 100 Times