What I Learned From My Favorite Books

“Want adventure? Read books. When you get tired of the excitement, you can close the book. Better than real life.” -Boba Fett

I’ve been reading for as long as I can remember. The books I enjoy have educated and inspired me to be the person I am today. 

The books I recommend are meant to be absorbed and applied. Thats because knowledge isn’t power, its potential power. It doesn’t become power until we put it into action. 

Financial Literacy Books

ABC's of Making Money for Teens

This is the first personal finance book I was ever gifted and the lessons taught in it are still relevant today. 

I Will Teach You To Be Rich

This book taught me more about personal finance than high school and college combined. I Will Teach You To Be Rich is funny yet informative and most importantly, actionable. If you apply what you learn in this book this book pays for itself in 6 weeks or less. 

Personal Development Books

The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People

This book is for you if you want to improve your character from the inside out. This book doesn’t focus on behaviors but who you are at your core.

Finish: Give Yourself The Gift of Done

If you’re anything like me you’re always full of ideas but as the weeks go on you lose momentum and just find something else. You can go your entire life starting things you never finish. This book solves that problem.

Strengths Finder 2.0

StrengthsFinder 2.0 is a guide that allows you to identify what your strengths are and use those strengths to take advantage of what you do best.

Productivity Books


Essentialism is an in depth look at what happens when we put more energy into ONE thing instead of EVERYTHING in life and work.

The 4-Hour Work Week

This book is about creating a system where you use your time to serve you.

The 5 Minute Journal

The 5 minute journal is meant for you to focus on the good in your life, become more mindful, and live with intention. It is designed for you to start and end each day with gratitude.

The 4-Hour Chef

 Learning how to learn is the main principle taught in this book and the chapter meta learning alone is worth the full price of this book. 

Social Skills Books

Listening Effectively

Listening is the most important yet underused social skill that we use on a daily basis but almost never receive any type of training on. 

Entrepreneurial Books

Will It Fly

Pat Flynn helps you take your business idea from being just an idea to an actual product using a series of tests.