Emotional Intelligence

How to use Emotional Intelligence to Better Leaders In Work & Life

Emotional Intelligence is being in touch with how we’re feeling and able to express that feeling in a positive way. Today’s guest Candice Dick from EQ Evolution Podcast is here to teach us the skills that make us more emotionally intelligent.

Part 1: The Skills that Make Emotional Intelligence

Part 2: Emotional Intelligence in Leadership

You’ll Learn

  • what skills make up emotional intelligence
  • how we can get these skills
  • how we can use emotional intelligence to be better leaders at work & at home

The Skills that Make Emotional Intelligence

Self-awareness: being aware of how other people view you based on your motives & character.

Emotional literacy: being able to label what we feel. If we can identify how we feel we can better process those emotions.

Pattern recognition: How we make our choices

Navigating emotions: how to channel your emotions in a positive manner. What we do with what we feel

Learned optimism: being able to recognize that we have choices

Internalization: being able to be self-motivated despite outside factors

Empathy: being able to take care of others as we would ourselves

Connecting with our purpose: finding what energizes you and using it to contribute to the world

The FOG Method

The FOG Method: How teams or Families can share feelings and goals before exploring options to come up with solutions together.

The FOG Method is to help you in your relationship or team come to a win-win solution so everyone is happy.

Notes on Emotional Intelligence in Leadership

  • Self-Awareness is key: How we behave as leaders can be in opposition to what we say.
  • Our patterns are 95% on autopilot we need to be aware of them to get an accurate picture of who we really are as a leader.
  • How to Become More Self Aware
  • Journaling & Personal Reflection
  • What went well with your day or week & what can be better what can you do about it?
  • A winning culture invests in people. Effective leaders help people feel seen, heard, and help them achieve their goals.
  • They help people create their own solutions to their problems instead of trying to solve their problems.
  • This requires effective listening – if you take ownership of other peoples problems you take away their freedom to choose their outcome. When we listen and give others a chance to self-reflect and come up with their own solutions we empower them.
  • Find a balance between taking care of self and taking care of others.
  • We cannot pour from an empty cup, when we invest in ourselves it allows us to invest in others.

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Here is a list of resources mentioned in this episode:

EQ Evolution Podcast

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