How to be More Confident

Create your Own Confidence

It’s true, confidence is something nobody else can give you. It’s something you have to earn for yourself.

The thing about confidence: you don’t have to be confident all the time, you need to be confident when it matters most.

The best way to build confidence is by succeeding in the things that matter to you.

Growing up I was the smallest kid in my class. I couldn’t beat any of the other kids in arm wrestling. Everyone thought I was weak and I felt the same way. I didn’t have a lot of confidence in my own strength. The years pass by and I start lifting weights when I was 13 for high school football.

I kept lifting as the seasons go by, eventually, I was squatting 275 and my bench press was still embarrassingly low. Even though I was stronger than I had ever been in my life I still wasn’t confident in my strength.

Then I did two things that dramatically improved my confidence.

  1. I decided I was going to be super-strong
  2. I was going to do what strong people do to get there.

Part of the reason I got stronger is that it’s the person I chose to be. I’m not saying you’ll get whatever you want if you wish hard enough. I did my research and came up with a plan. Then I went to the gym twice a week and went after my goal.

I felt like a fake the first time I tried to deadlift 315. I felt phony clacking 2 plates together to bench 225. I thought I was going to get stuck under the bar. I did get stuck under the bar once or twice but I didn’t let that stop me. It’s not uncommon to feel like a fake when you’re becoming the person you decided to be.

Keep Going Even When It’s Hard

Something funny happens when you do something hard for an extended period of time.

It gets easier.

Confidence is about reinventing yourself. You choose to be whoever you want to be in life. There are limits, we can’t re-write genetics.

If there’s one thing you should know about being confident, it’s to honestly assess and understand who you are while also believing in the person you can become.

The best thing about this formula is it’s repeatable across anything you’d like to learn.