How You Can Create A Debt Payoff Plan What Exactly Are You Saving Money For? Every financial expert says you should be saving money but what are you saving for?In today’s episode, we’re going to talk about creating a savings plan so you can have enough money saved for every situation in life.Having debt is normal about 80% of Americans have some sort of debt. But is it really normal to owe more money than you have?In today’s episode we’re going to outline a plan to eliminate debt. You’re going to learn:How debt affects you psychology and how to overcome its crippling effects A 5 Step Plan to eliminate debt Subscribe to this YouTube channel•Share this show on FacebookTo help me deliver the best show possible•Leave an honest review on iTunes, I read every one.•Subscribe on iTunesHere is a list of resources mentioned in this episode:Right-click here and choose “save as” to download this episode to your computer