September 2018 Review

September 2018 Review

This is the second month I’ll be reviewing the progress I’ve made month-to-month. In case you missed last months review it’s broken down like this:

I’ll first mention the things I’ve done in the in the previous month, I’m going to cover what worked and what didn’t as it relates to personal development and understanding finances.

Next, I’ll plan what I need to do to make the upcoming month a success.

Lastly, I’ll conclude with what I learned in this past month and how I can use what I’ve learned to be better than I was before.

My September 2018

In August I committed to:

Finishing at least half of the videos of the 10 Skills Series.

I’ve amended my commitment to make the video series 5 Individual skills plus a series trailer that includes the other remaining 5.

I’ve recorded and fully edited 2 of the videos in the series. The remaining videos have mostly been recorded with the exception of one and the trailer still needs to be scripted.

So far I’m on track to have all 6 videos completed by November.

The 2 videos I published in late August and September have gotten the channel 239 views and a little over 7 hours of watch time.

Youtube stats september 2018

My second commitment for September:

I’m going to help people just like you with their problems on Facebook and through coaching.

I haven’t done any of it.

Apart from answering peoples questions about financial literacy on Facebook I really haven’t done any coaching at all.

I need to be more specific about what goal I want to coach people to achieve and get clarity on how they’re going to get there.

Most of my friends that I’ve talked to need to be able to plan their large purchases in life. Going forward I’m going to be putting a heavier emphasis on long-term financial planning and planning for large purchases.

The final thing I committed to last month was to put more systems in place that will make me more organized and productive.

Using a physical calendar where I write 2 or 3 critical tasks I need to complete daily is working well. It’s kept me on track for video and podcast production on a consistent basis.

This month I’m going to keep track of what times during the day I seem to work best so I can do my best work at the times I’m most productive.

In the future, I plan to use this information to create a morning and evening routine to get me into my best creative shape.

In conclusion the month of October I commit to:

  • Finishing the 5 videos in the 5 Skills Video Series and scripting the trailer
  • Clarifying my long-term business goal into a small niche category so I can clearly explain what value I can bring others.
  • Tracking the conditions I work the best under
  • Planning all content for the remainder of this year and for January 2019