How to Take Care of Yourself When Sick

What Happens When You Get Sick and Live Alone?

Today’s guest is a registered nurse who is going to share how we can keep from getting sick and the steps you should take to recover if you do get sick.

BreAuan Case has a background in nursing where she helps patients recover from their illnesses. Today she’s going to share how we can take care of ourselves when we get sick along with tips to prevent illness in the first place.

You’ll Learn

  • How to keep from getting sick
  • The steps you need to take to recover while you’re sick
  • Common myths about getting sick
  • How your environment contributes to your wellness

How to Keep From Getting Sick

The oldest personal hygiene tip is still the most effective. Wash your hands before ingesting food or touching your eyes because it’s the easiest way bacterium gets in the body. If you decide to use hand sanitizer which kills 99.9% of germs be sure to still wash your hands occasionally to wash off the buildup from the gel in Germ X.

Many people may not believe this anymore but getting vaccinated is still the most effective way to keep from getting sick. Getting vaccinated involves injecting inert virus material into yourself so your body can naturally make antibodies: that way if you do come in contact with that strain of virus your body is immune and you won’t get sick.

Why Food is Important

Food helps keep our body in stasis which means it keeps our body behaving normally. Bad eating habits cause the body stress which can make you sick. The nutrients in food help build immune cells that fight bacteria in the immune system. Water helps your kidney filter out the nutrients and waste your body no longer needs.

How to Take Care of Yourself When You’re Sick

The first step to recovery is to know what’s going on. You don’t treat the flu with the same remedy as bronchitis. Go to the doctor and get an accurate diagnosis of the problem.

People tend to lose water weight when sick because of the rise in body temperature combined with decreased appetite. BreAuan recommends 64 ounces of water daily to help our kidneys flush out waste along with meals that are loaded with calories that are easy to digest like soup.

The most important step of recovery is rest. Stress lowers your immune system and makes it harder to fight infection. Keep the daily stress to a minimum and focus on getting better.

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